什么是伦敦证券交易所? What is the London Stock Exchange?

  MBN Video Dictionary 是用简单易懂的语言,来解释在商业,科学和技术领域常用术语的一部英语视频字典,深受英语学习者的欢迎。


MBN Video Dictionary 的公开视频


什么是税? What is Tax?

什么是房东? What is a Landlord?

什么是无人驾驶汽车? What is a Driverless Vehicle?

什么是贷款? What is a Loan?

什么是高利贷? What is a Loan Shark?

什么是贷款担保? What is a Loan Guarantee?

什么是信用额度? What is a Line of Credit?

什么是汇票? What is a Money Order?

什么是银行汇票? What is a Bank Draft?

什么是人寿保险? What is Life Insurance?

什么是股票? What are Stocks?

什么是证券交易所? What is a Stock Exchange?

什么是伦敦证券交易所? What is the London Stock Exchange?

什么是CEO? what is a CEO?

什么是CEO? What is a CEO?

什么是总经理? What is a General Manager?

什么是办公室经理? What is an office manager?

什么是营销经理? What is a marketing manager?

什么是业务经理? What is a business manager?

什么是加班? What is Overtime?

什么是裁员?What is a Layoff?

什么是质量控制? What is Quality Control?


什么是销售? What are Sales?

什么是营销研究? What is Marketing Research?

什么是营销策略? What is a Marketing Strategy?

什么是 “Logo”? What is a Logo?

什么是广告? What is Advertainment?

什么是客户营销? What is customer marketing?

什么是网络营销? What is online marketing?

什么是对外营销? What is outbound marketing?

什么是出口? What are Exports?

什么是进口? What are Imports?

什么是买方市场? What is a Buyer's Market?

什么是卖方市场? What is a Seller's Market?

什么是保险? What is Insurance?

什么是会计学? What is Accounting?

什么是现金管理? What is Cash Management?

什么是盈利? What is Profitable?

什么是坏账? What is a Bad Debt?

什么是版权? What is Copyright?

什么是律师? What is a Lawyer?

什么是诉讼? What is a Lawsuit?

什么是商标? What is a Trademark?

什么是可穿戴电脑? What is a Wearable Computer?

什么是网站? What is a Website?

什么是网页设计? What is Web Design?

什么是搜索引擎? What is a Search Engine?

什么是数学? What is Mathematics?

什么是物理学? What is Physics?

什么是病毒? What is a Virus?

什么是生物学? What is Biology?

什么是经济学? What is Economics?

什么是专利? What is a Patent?

什么是环境? What is the Environment?

什么是污染? What is Pollution?