★ traffic violation:交通违章
★ speeding:n. 超速行驶
going over the speed limit:超过限速
exceeding the speed limit:超过速度限制
driving at an excessive speed:以过高的速度行驶
★ running a red light:闯红灯
disregarding a red light:无视红灯
ignoring a stop signal:忽视停止信号
running through a red traffic signal:闯过红色交通信号灯
★ illegal parking:违法停车
unauthorized parking:未经授权的停车
parking in a no-parking zone:在禁停区停车
parking in a restricted area:在限制区域停车
★ drunk driving:醉酒驾车
driving under the influence (DUI):酒驾
driving while intoxicated (DWI):醉酒驾驶
operating a vehicle under the influence (OUI):在酒精影响下驾驶车辆
★ dangerous driving:危险驾驶
reckless driving:危险驾驶
careless driving:粗心驾驶
negligent driving:疏忽驾驶
★ not giving way:不让行
failure to yield:未礼让
failing to yield right of way:未给予通行权
refusing to yield to other vehicles or pedestrians:拒绝给其他车辆或行人让路
★ improper lane change:变道不当
Improper lane switching:变道不当
unsafe lane change:不安全变道
illegal lane change:违法变道
failure to signal lane change:未示意变道
abrupt lane change:突然变道
cutting off other vehicles while changing lanes:变道时挡住其它车辆
★ illegal U-turn:违法掉头
illegal U-turn maneuver:违法掉头动作
unauthorized U-turn:违法掉头
violating U-turn regulations:违反掉头规定
executing a U-turn in a restricted area:在受限区域进行掉头
making a U-turn at an unsafe location:在不安全的地点掉头
U-turn in violation of traffic laws:违反交通法规的掉头
★ using a cellphone while driving:开车时使用手机
texting while driving:开车时发短信
talking on the phone while driving:开车时接打电话
handheld device use while driving:开车时使用手持设备
engaging in phone conversations while operating a vehicle:开车时进行电话交谈
distracted driving due to phone use:因使用手机而分散注意力的驾驶
operating a mobile device while behind the wheel:开车时操作移动设备
★ disregarding traffic signs:不遵守交通标志
ignoring road signs:忽视道路标志
failing to observe traffic signs:未注意交通标志
running through stop signs:冲过停车标志
ignoring warning signs:忽视警示标志
going against one-way signs:逆行违反单行标志
violating traffic signal indications:违反交通信号指示
★ hit and run:肇事逃逸
hit-and-run driver:肇事逃逸驾驶员
leaving the scene of an accident:逃离事故现场
fleeing after causing an accident:造成事故后逃逸
running away from a collision:逃离碰撞现场
negligent driving followed by fleeing:疏忽驾驶后逃逸
★ driving without a valid license:无有效驾驶证驾驶
operating a vehicle without a valid license:使用无效驾驶证驾驶车辆
driving with an expired license:使用过期驾驶证驾驶
driving without a proper license:没有合适的驾照驾驶
★ driving without insurance:无保险驾驶
operating a vehicle without insurance:无保险驾驶
driving uninsured:无保险驾驶
uninsured motorist operation:无保险车辆驾驶
driving without adequate insurance protection:没有足够的保险保护驾驶
operating a vehicle with expired insurance policy:驾驶过期保险的车辆
★ driving with expired registration:驾驶过期注册车辆
driving a vehicle with an expired license plate:驾驶车牌过期的车辆
using a vehicle with an expired registration tag:使用注册标签过期的车辆
driving a vehicle with an expired vehicle tag:驾驶车辆标签过期
operating a vehicle without valid registration:驾驶没有有效注册的车辆