symptom:n. 症状
cold symptoms:感冒症状
flu symptoms:流感症状
allergy symptoms:过敏症状
fever symptoms:发烧症状
headache symptoms:头痛症状
dizziness symptoms:头晕症状
fever:n. 发烧,发热
high fever:高烧
low-grade fever:低烧
persistent fever:持续发烧
fever and chills:发热且打寒颤
fever and fatigue:发热且乏力
fever with cough:发热伴随咳嗽
cough:n. 咳嗽 v. 咳嗽
dry cough:干咳
productive cough:有痰咳嗽
cough with phlegm:有痰的咳嗽
persistent cough:持续咳嗽
persistent cough with chest pain:伴随胸痛的持续咳嗽
chronic cough:慢性咳嗽
phlegm:n. 痰
excessive phlegm:过多的痰
clear phlegm:透明的痰
thick phlegm:浓稠的痰
yellow phlegm:黄色的痰
green phlegm:绿色的痰
runny nose:流鼻涕
constant runny nose:持续流鼻涕
persistent runny nose:持续不断的流鼻涕
runny nose and cough:流鼻涕和咳嗽
runny nose and watery eyes:流鼻涕和眼睛流泪
runny nose and loss of smell:流鼻涕和丧失嗅觉
sneezing:n. 打喷嚏
sneezing attacks:打喷嚏发作
sneezing and runny nose:打喷嚏和流鼻涕
frequent sneezing:频繁打喷嚏
continuous sneezing:持续打喷嚏
allergic sneezing:过敏性打喷嚏
dizziness:n. 头晕
sudden dizziness:突发的头晕
dizziness upon standing up:站起时头晕
persistent dizziness:持续的头晕
dizziness and nausea:头晕和恶心
dizziness and lightheadedness:头晕和眩晕
dizziness and loss of balance:头晕和失去平衡
nausea:n. 恶心
nausea after eating:进食后恶心
nausea and dizziness:恶心和头晕
nausea and headache:恶心和头痛
nausea and vomiting:恶心和呕吐
nausea and abdominal discomfort:恶心和腹部不适
vomiting:n. 呕吐
vomiting after meals:餐后呕吐
frequent vomiting:频繁呕吐
nausea and vomiting:恶心且呕吐
vomiting and diarrhea:呕吐和腹泻
vomiting and dizziness:呕吐和头晕
vomiting with fever:伴随发热的呕吐
diarrhea:n. 腹泻
watery diarrhea:水样腹泻
severe diarrhea:严重腹泻
chronic diarrhea:慢性腹泻
diarrhea and vomiting:腹泻和呕吐
diarrhea with fever:伴随发烧的腹泻
diarrhea caused by food poisoning :食物中毒引起的腹泻
pain:n. 疼痛(广义上用来指任何不适或痛苦的感觉。是名词)
chest pain:胸痛
stomach pain:胃痛
back pain:背痛
joint pain:关节疼痛
ear pain:耳痛
abdominal pain:腹痛
muscle pain:肌肉疼痛
neck pain:颈痛
ache:n. 疼痛(指隐隐作痛、持续的疼痛感,通常是轻度的、持久的疼痛感觉。是名词)
muscle aches:肌肉疼痛
sore:adj. 疼痛的(是形容词性,表达“疼痛的”。)
sore throat:疼痛的喉咙
sore muscles:酸痛的肌肉
sore joints:疼痛的关节
sore back:疼痛的背
sore eyes:疼痛的眼
sore ears:疼痛的耳
sore chest:疼痛的胸
sore head:疼痛的头
swelling:n. 肿胀
leg swelling:腿部肿胀
facial swelling:面部肿胀
swelling in the joints:关节肿胀
swelling in the hands and feet:手脚肿胀
swelling due to injury:因受伤导致的肿胀
swelling and redness:肿胀和发红
swelling and pain:肿胀和疼痛
congestion:n. 堵塞,充血
nasal congestion:鼻塞
chest congestion:胸闷
respiratory congestion:呼吸道堵塞
congestion in the throat:喉咙不通畅
congestion in the lungs:肺部充血
itchiness:n. 发痒,瘙痒
persistent itchiness:持续的瘙痒感
severe itchiness:严重的瘙痒感
intense itchiness:强烈的瘙痒感
itchiness all over the body:全身瘙痒感
itchiness and redness:瘙痒和发红
itchiness caused by dry skin:由干燥皮肤引起的瘙痒感
itchiness due to allergic reaction:由过敏反应引起的瘙痒感
allergy:n. 过敏
allergic reaction:过敏反应
allergy symptoms:过敏症状
allergy flare-up:过敏反应加重
allergy-induced sneezing:过敏引起的打喷嚏
insomnia:n. 失眠
insomnia symptoms:失眠症状
persistent insomnia:持续性失眠
chronic insomnia:慢性失眠
fatigue:n. 疲劳
persistent fatigue:持续疲劳
severe fatigue:严重疲劳
extreme fatigue:极度疲劳
debilitating fatigue:使人虚弱的疲劳
fatigue and weakness:疲劳和虚弱
fatigue-related symptoms:与疲劳相关的症状