department:n. 部门,部
produce department:蔬菜水果部
meat department:肉类部
seafood department:海鲜部
deli department:熟食部
bakery department:烘焙部
dairy department:乳制品部
grocery department:杂货部
household goods department:家居用品部
electronics department:电子产品部
health and beauty department:健康美容部
office supplies department:办公用品部
section:n. 区,区域
fresh vegetable section:新鲜蔬菜区
fresh fruit section:新鲜水果区
organic vegetable section:有机蔬菜区
organic Fruit Section:有机水果区
fresh meat section:鲜肉区
processed meat section:熟肉区
ham section:火腿区
sausage section:香肠区
fresh fish section:鲜鱼区
shrimp section:虾类区
shellfish section:贝类区
seafood section:海鲜区
frozen Seafood Section:冷冻海鲜区
cold cuts section:冷切品区
salad bar section:沙拉吧台区
prepared foods section:现制食品区
hot food counter section:热食柜台区
deli bakery section:熟食烘焙区
grab-and-go section:即取即走区
bread section:面包区
cake section:蛋糕区
cookie section:饼干区
pastry section:糕点区
doughnut section:面点区
sandwich section:三明治区
milk section:牛奶区
yogurt section:酸奶区
cheese section:奶酪区
butter section:黄油区
cream section:奶油区
eggs section:鸡蛋区
canned goods section:罐头食品区
snacks and chips section:零食和薯片区
beverages section:饮料区
alcohol section:酒水区
coffee section:咖啡区
tea section:茶叶区
pasta and rice section:面食和大米区
organic and natural foods section:有机和天然食品区
pet food section:宠物食品区
bedding and linens section:床上用品区
home decor section:家居装饰区
kitchenware section:厨房用品区
bath and shower section:浴室用品区
laundry section:洗衣用品区
cleaning supplies section:清洁用品区
paper products section:纸制品区
computers and laptops section:电脑和笔记本区
televisions section:电视区
home appliances section:家用电器区
mobile phones and accessories section:手机和配件区
hair care section:洗护发品区
skincare section:护肤品区
cosmetics section:化妆品区
health and wellness section:健康和保健区
writing instruments section:书写工具区
paper and notebooks section:纸张和笔记本区
filing and organization section:文件和组织区
office equipment section:办公设备区
stationery section:文具区
display:n. 展示区
produce display:水果蔬菜展示区
bakery display:面包糕点展示区
meat display:肉类展示区
deli display:熟食展示区
cheese display:奶酪展示区
snack display:零食展示区
seasonal display:季节性商品展示区
new arrivals display:新品展示区
promotional display:促销展示区
counter:n. 柜台
service counter:服务台
customer service counter:客户服务台
information counter:信息咨询台
cashier counter:收银台
checkout counter:结账台
returns counter:退货台
aisle:n. 走廊,货架通道
produce aisle:蔬菜水果通道
meat aisle:肉类通道
dairy aisle:乳制品通道
snack aisle:零食通道
beverage aisle:饮料通道
cleaning supplies aisle:清洁用品通道
shelf:n. 货架
grocery shelf:杂货货架
snack shelf:零食货架
beverage shelf:饮料货架
condiment shelf:调味品货架
cleaning supplies shelf:清洁用品货架