• Let's go to the produce section to get fresh vegetables. 让我们去农产品区选购新鲜的蔬菜。
• I prefer organic vegetables. Let's look for the organic section. 我更喜欢有机蔬菜。让我们去有机区看看。
• What vegetables do we need to buy? 我们需要买哪些蔬菜?
• Let's make sure we have enough greens like lettuce and spinach. 我们要确保有足够的蔬菜,比如生菜和菠菜。
• Do we need any specific vegetables for the recipe we're cooking? 我们烹饪的菜谱需要哪些特定的蔬菜?
• I want to buy some fresh vegetables for a salad. 我想买些新鲜的蔬菜来做沙拉。
• I'd like to buy some cherry tomatoes for a salad. 我想买些樱桃番茄来做沙拉。
• We should grab some tomatoes for salads or sandwiches. 我们应该拿一些番茄,用于沙拉或三明治。
• Don't forget to get some potatoes for mashed potatoes or fries. 别忘了买一些土豆,可以做成土豆泥或炸薯条。
• Could you recommend some seasonal vegetables? 你能推荐一些时令蔬菜吗?
• How about some broccoli or cauliflower for stir-frying? 西兰花或花椰菜炒菜怎么样?
• How about getting some leafy greens like spinach or kale? 我们买些菠菜或羽衣甘蓝这样的绿叶蔬菜怎么样?
• We should add some leafy greens such as kale or Swiss chard to our cart. 我们应该往购物车里放一些绿叶蔬菜,比如羽衣甘蓝或红甜菜。
• I'd like to buy some fresh herbs like basil and cilantro. 我想买些新鲜的香草,比如罗勒和香菜。
• Let's grab some onions for flavoring. 让我们买些洋葱来增添风味。
• I think we should buy some bell peppers, they're versatile for cooking. 我觉得我们应该买一些甜椒,它们在烹饪中用途广泛。
• Is there anything else from the vegetable section that we need? 从蔬菜区还有其它我们需要的东西吗?
• I'm looking for bell peppers in different colors. 我正在找不同颜色的甜椒。
• I carefully examine each vegetable for any imperfections. 我仔细检查每个蔬菜是否有瑕疵。
• I compare the size and shape of different vegetables to choose the best ones. 我比较不同蔬菜的大小和形状,选出最好的。
• I feel the texture of the vegetables to ensure they are firm and not wilted. 我摸蔬菜的质地,确保它们坚实而不是枯萎的。
• I look for vegetables with vibrant colors and a fresh appearance. 我寻找颜色鲜艳、外观新鲜的蔬菜。
• I check the leaves and stems of leafy greens for freshness and signs of wilting. 我检查叶菜的叶子和茎,看是否新鲜且没有枯萎的迹象。
• I smell the vegetables to make sure they have a pleasant aroma. 我闻蔬菜,确保它们有宜人的香气。
• I inspect the skin of vegetables like tomatoes and cucumbers for any blemishes or bruises. 我检查番茄和黄瓜等蔬菜的表皮是否有瑕疵或碰伤。
• I choose vegetables that are uniform in size and have a consistent color. 我选择大小均匀、颜色一致的蔬菜。
• I pay attention to the weight of root vegetables, making sure they feel heavy and solid. 我关注根菜的重量,确保它们感觉沉重而坚实。
• I carefully select each vegetable, placing them in my basket or bag with care. 我仔细挑选每一颗蔬菜,小心地放入篮子或袋子中。