• Do we have a shopping list prepared? 我们准备了购物清单吗?
• Don't forget to put together a supermarket shopping list. 别忘了组织一份超市购物清单。
• We should make a list of the items we need to buy. 我们应该列一个我们需要购买的物品清单。
• I need to make a grocery shopping list. 我需要制定一个杂货购物清单。
• I'm going to create a shopping checklist. 我打算制作一个购物清单。
• I'll organize a list of groceries we want to buy. 我将组织一个我们想要购买的杂货清单。
• We should plan our grocery shopping by making a list. 我们应该通过制定一份清单来规划我们的杂货购物。
• Let's draft a list of items to purchase. 让我们起草一个购买物品的清单。
• Let me write down the items I need to buy. 让我写下我需要购买的物品。
• I'm going to the supermarket, so I need a list of things to buy. 我要去超市,所以我需要一个购买物品的清单。
• Let's prepare a shopping list before we go to the supermarket. 在我们去超市之前,让我们先准备一份购物清单。
• What do we need from the grocery store? 我们从超市需要什么?
• What items do we need to buy from the supermarket? 我们从超市需要购买哪些物品?
• Before we head to the supermarket, let's make sure we have a clear idea of what we need to buy. 在我们前往超市之前,让我们确保我们清楚地知道需要购买什么。
• Let's discuss what groceries we need to get from the store. 让我们讨论一下我们需要从商店购买哪些杂货。
• Is there anything in particular you want me to pick up from the supermarket? 你有什么特别想我从超市买的东西吗?
• Are there any specific things we should pick up at the supermarket? 在超市里,有什么特定的东西我们应该拿?
• Let's go through the pantry and fridge to see what groceries we need to restock. 让我们检查一下储藏室和冰箱,看看我们需要补货哪些杂货。
• We're running out of milk, eggs, and bread. 我们的牛奶、鸡蛋和面包快用完了。
• Let's include some snacks and beverages as well. 我们也要包括一些零食和饮料。
• Are there any essentials or household items we need to purchase? 我们需要购买一些必需品或家庭用品吗?
• Do we have any specific brands or preferences for certain items? 对于某些物品,我们有特定的品牌或偏好吗?
• I'm compiling a list of groceries we need. 我正在汇编一份我们需要的杂货清单。
• I'll start by jotting down the essentials. 我先写下基本必需品。
• Don't forget to add fruits and vegetables to the list. 别忘了在清单上加上水果和蔬菜。
• Double-check the list to make sure we haven't missed anything. 仔细检查清单,确保没有漏掉任何东西。
• Can you help me organize the items on the shopping list? 你能帮我整理一下购物清单上的物品吗?
• I like to group the items by category for easier shopping. 我喜欢按照类别将物品分组,以便更容易购物。
• Let's prioritize the items based on what we need the most. 让我们根据最需要的物品来确定优先顺序。
• Once the list is ready, we can head to the supermarket. 一旦清单准备好,我们就可以去超市了。