head:n. 头
head shape:头部形状
head size:头部大小
head movement:头部运动
head position:头部姿势
hair:n. 头发
long hair:长发
short hair:短发
thick hair:浓密的头发
thin hair:稀疏的头发
face:n. 脸,面部
face shape:脸型
face features:面部特征
face complexion:面部肤色
face expression:面部表情
forehead:n. 额头
high forehead:高额头
prominent forehead:突出的额头
wide forehead:宽额头
narrow forehead:窄额头
smooth forehead:光滑的额头
wrinkled forehead:有皱纹的额头
cheek:n. 脸颊
rosy cheeks:红润的脸颊
smooth cheeks:光滑的脸颊
chubby cheeks:圆润的脸颊
dimpled cheeks:有酒窝的脸颊
hollow cheeks:凹陷的脸颊
dimple:n. 酒窝
one-sided dimple:单侧酒窝
double dimples:双酒窝
cute dimples:可爱的酒窝
deep dimples:深邃的酒窝
prominent dimples:显眼的酒窝
adorable dimples:迷人的酒窝
playful dimples:调皮的酒窝
chin:n. 下巴
double chin:双下巴
pointed chin:尖下巴
square chin:方下巴
rounded chin:圆下巴
prominent chin:突出的下巴
receding chin:后缩的下巴
jaw:n. 下颌
strong jaw:强壮的下颌
square jaw:方形下颌
wide jaw:宽阔的下颌
narrow jaw:狭窄的下颌
slender jaw:细长的下颌
prominent jaw:突出的下颌
neck:n. 脖子
long neck:长脖子
slim neck:细长的脖子
strong neck:强壮的脖子
graceful neck:优雅的脖子
stiff neck:僵硬的脖子
stretched neck:伸直的脖子
tilted neck:倾斜的脖子
eye:n. 眼睛
bright eyes:明亮的眼睛
sparkling eyes:闪亮的眼睛
almond-shaped eyes:杏仁形状的眼睛
deep-set eyes:深陷的眼睛
innocent eyes:天真的眼睛
tired eyes:疲惫的眼睛
eyelid:n. 眼皮
double eyelids:双眼皮
single eyelid:单眼皮
smooth eyelid:光滑的单眼皮
swollen eyelids:肿胀的眼皮
puffy eyelids:浮肿的眼皮
droopy eyelids:下垂的眼皮
creased eyelids:有皱纹的眼皮
eyelash:n. 眼睫毛
long eyelashes:长睫毛
thick eyelashes:浓密的睫毛
curled eyelashes:卷翘的睫毛
natural eyelashes:自然的睫毛
false eyelashes:假睫毛
eyebrow:n. 眉毛
thick eyebrows:浓密的眉毛
sparse eyebrows:稀疏的眉毛
thin eyebrows:细眉毛
tapered eyebrows:渐细的眉毛
natural eyebrows:自然的眉毛
curved eyebrows:弯曲的眉毛
arched eyebrows:弯弧形的眉毛
nose:n. 鼻子
straight nose:直鼻子
Roman nose:罗马鼻
aquiline nose:鹰钩鼻
upturned nose:翘鼻子
snub nose:扁鼻子
bulbous nose:鼻头肥大的鼻子
broad nose:宽鼻子
narrow nose:窄鼻子
ear:n. 耳朵
small ears:小耳朵
large ears:大耳朵
ear canal:耳道
outer ear:外耳
middle ear:中耳
inner ear:内耳
mouth:n. 嘴巴
large mouth:大嘴巴
small mouth:小嘴巴
wide mouth:宽嘴巴
narrow mouth:窄嘴巴
open your mouth:张开嘴巴
close your mouth:合上嘴巴
shut your mouth:闭上嘴巴
move your mouth:动嘴巴
lip:n. 嘴唇
upper lip:上嘴唇
lower lip:下嘴唇
full lips:丰满的嘴唇
red lips:红润的嘴唇
glossy lips:有光泽的嘴唇
soft lips:柔软的嘴唇
chapped lips:干裂的嘴唇
tooth/teeth:n. 牙齿
front teeth:前牙
molar teeth:臼齿
white teeth:白色的牙齿
straight teeth:笔直的牙齿
crooked teeth:歪曲的牙齿
gap between teeth:牙缝
tongue:n. 舌头
stick out your tongue:伸出舌头
roll your tongue:卷起舌头
taste with your tongue:用舌头尝味道
speak with your tongue:用舌头说话
swallow with your tongue:用舌头咽下食物