grip:n. 握杆 v. 握杆
strong grip:强握杆
neutral grip:中性握杆
weak grip:弱握杆
grip strength:握杆力量
grip pressure:握杆力度
overlapping grip:重叠握杆
interlocking grip:交叉握杆
stance:n. 站姿
proper stance:正确的站姿
balanced stance:平衡的站姿
athletic stance:运动式的站姿
open stance:开放的站姿
closed stance:封闭的站姿
wide stance:宽阔的站姿
narrow stance:窄小的站姿
forward stance:前倾的站姿
square stance:直角站姿
alignment:n. 对准
proper alignment:正确的对准
proper ball alignment:正确的球对准
proper tee alignment:正确的发球台对准
target alignment:目标对准
clubface alignment:球杆面对准
body alignment:身体对准
parallel alignment:平行对准
alignment routine:对准动作
pre-shot alignment:击球前的对准
visual alignment:视觉对准
adjusting alignment:调整对准
alignment with the target line:与目标线对准
backswing:n. 后摆
proper backswing:正确的后摆
full backswing:完整的后摆
smooth backswing:平稳的后摆
powerful backswing:有力的后摆
inside-out backswing:从内向外的后摆
outside-in backswing:从外向内的后摆
backswing pause:后摆的停顿
backswing turn:后摆的转身
downswing:n. 下摆
full downswing:完整的下摆
smooth downswing:平稳的下摆
powerful downswing:有力的下摆
downswing speed:下摆速度
inside-out downswing:从内向外的下摆
outside-in downswing:从外向内的下摆
downswing hip rotation:下摆髋部旋转
downswing weight shift:下摆体重转移
swing:n. 挥杆 v. 挥杆(挥杆包括后摆和下摆两个阶段的整个过程。)
golf swing:高尔夫挥杆
full swing:全挥杆
half swing:半挥杆
slow swing:缓慢挥杆
fast swing:快速挥杆
smooth swing:平稳挥杆
inside-out swing:从内向外挥杆
outside-in swing:从外向内挥杆
swing path:挥杆路径
swing tempo:挥杆节奏
shot:n. 击球
tee shot:发球击球
fairway shot:球道击球
uphill shot:上坡击球
downhill shot:下坡击球
pitch shot:挑球击球
flop shot:高球击球
follow-through:n. 收杆
proper follow-through:正确的收杆
full follow-through:完整的收杆动作
smooth follow-through:平稳的收杆动作
balanced follow-through:平衡的收杆
follow-through direction:收杆的方向
follow-through finish:收杆结束
follow-through technique:收杆的技巧
fade:n. 左曲球
fade stance:左曲球站姿
fade swing:左曲球挥杆
fade shot:左曲球击球
gentle fade:柔和的左曲球
fade spin:左曲球旋转
low fade:低弧线左曲球
high fade:高弧线左曲球
controlled fade:受控的左曲球
fade ball flight:左曲球飞行轨迹
fade technique:左曲球技巧
draw:n. 右曲球
draw stance:右曲球站姿
draw grip:右曲球握杆
draw swing:右曲球挥杆
draw shot:右曲球击球
draw spin:右曲球旋转
draw control:右曲球控制
low draw:低弧线右曲球
high draw:高弧线右曲球
draw ball flight:右曲球球飞行轨迹
draw technique:右曲球技巧
chipping:n. 切杆
chipping technique:切杆技巧
chipping grip:切杆握杆
chipping stance:切杆站姿
chipping accuracy:切杆准确性
chipping target:切杆目标
chipping distance control:切杆距离控制
chipping with backspin:带有后旋的切杆
chipping with spin control:控制旋转的切杆
pitch:n. 挑杆
pitching grip:挑杆握杆
pitching stance:挑杆站姿
pitch shot:挑杆击球
short pitch shot:短距离挑杆击球
long pitch shot:长距离挑杆击球
flop pitch shot:高弧线挑杆击球
putting:n. 推杆
short putting:短距离推杆
long putting:长距离推杆
putting distance control:推杆距离控制
putting alignment:推杆对准
putting accuracy:推杆准确性
Putting green:推杆果岭
putting technique:推杆技巧
putting line:推杆线路
putting speed:推杆速度