kick:n. 踢,踢球 v. 踢,踢球
free kick:任意球
penalty kick:点球
corner kick:角球
goal kick:门球
scissor kick:剪步踢
bicycle kick:倒钩
pass:n. 传球 v. 传球
short pass:短传
through pass:直塞
ground pass:地面传球
long pass:长传
cross pass:传中
lob pass:高球传
overhead pass:高球传球
back pass:回传
square pass:横传
switch pass:横向转移传球
diagonal pass:斜传
dummy pass:假传
cross:n. 横传,传中 v. 横传,传中
cross pass:横传
low cross:低平传中
curling cross:曲线传中
first-time cross:一次性传中
cross with precision:精准传中
cross from deep:深度传中
cross from the wing:边路传中
cross into the box:横传入禁区
long ball:长传
quick long ball:快速长传
direct long ball:直接长传
long ball forward:向前长传
accurate long ball:精准长传
long ball over the top:高空长传
long ball into the box:长传到禁区
executing a long ball from midfield:从中场发起长传
through ball:直塞球,穿透球
quick through ball:快速的直塞球
curling through ball:弧线穿透球
perfect through ball:完美的直塞球
clever through ball:聪明的穿透球
accurate through ball:准确的直塞球
well-timed through ball:把握好时机的穿透球
distribution:n. 分球
quick distribution:快速分球
direct distribution:直接分球
first-time distribution:第一时间分球
long distribution:长传分球
short distribution:短传分球
cross-field distribution:横向分球
through ball distribution:直塞分球
backheel:n. 后脚跟传球
backheel pass:后脚跟传球
backheel flick:后脚跟挑球
backheel control:后脚跟控球
backheel assist:后脚跟助攻
backheel shot:后脚跟射门
backheel goal:后脚跟进球
chip:n. 挑高球 v. 挑高球
chip pass:挑高传球
chip cross:挑高传中
chip control:挑高控球
chip shot:挑高射门
chip goal:挑高进球
chip trick:挑高技巧
header:n. 头球
header flick:头球挑传
header goal:头球进球
header clearance:头球解围
powerful header:有力的头球
header accuracy:头球准确性
header technique:头球技巧
chest trap:胸部停球
clean chest trap:干净的胸部停球
soft chest trap:轻柔的胸部停球
quick chest trap:快速的胸部停球
accurate chest trap:准确的胸部停球
skillful chest trap:技术娴熟的胸部停球
perfectly timed chest trap:完美时机的胸部停球
catch:n. 接球 v. 接球
catch the ball:接球
catch a long pass:接长传
catch a high ball:接高空球
catch a shot:扑救射门
catch and hold the ball:接住并控制住球
safe catch:安稳接球
quick catch:快速接球
dribble:n. 盘带,运球 v. 盘带,运球
speed dribble:快速运球
close control dribble:紧密控球
dribble with finesse:巧妙盘带
dribble with speed and agility:速度与敏捷性的盘带
dribble past defenders:盘带过人
dribble through midfield:运球通过中场
dribble along the touchline:沿着边线运球
dribble into the box:运球进入禁区
dribble in tight spaces:在狭小空间内盘带
drag back:回拨,拖球
quick drag back:快速的回拨
smooth drag back:流畅的回拨
clever drag back:聪明的回拨
skillful drag back:技术娴熟的回拨
effective drag back:有效的回拨
nutmeg:n. 穿腿过球
clever nutmeg:聪明的穿腿过球
quick nutmeg:快速的穿腿过球
perfectly timed nutmeg:完美的时机穿腿过球
pull off a nutmeg:完成一个穿腿过球
perform a nutmeg:表演了一个穿腿过球
play a one-two:进行一次二过一配合
execute a one-two:执行一次二过一配合
exchange a one-two:交换一个二过一传球
quick one-two passing:快速的二过一传球
perfectly timed one-two:完美时机的二过一配合
dummy:adj. 假的
dummy feint:假动作
dummy pass:假传
dummy turn:假转身
dummy dribble:假运球
dummy trap:假停球
dummy tackle:假铲球
dummy shot:假射门
feint:adj. 虚假的 n. 假动作 vi. 做假动作
feint pass:假传球
feint dribble:假动作运球
feint turn:假转身
feint skill:假动作技术
feint tackle:假抢断
feint shot:假射门
step over:跨球假动作
step over fake:跨球假动作
step over move:跨步移动
step over feint:跨步佯攻
step over dribble:跨步运球
step over skill:跨球技术
step over turn:跨步转身
tackle:n. 抢断,铲球 v. 抢断,铲球
slide tackle:滑铲
Sliding block tackle:滑铲封堵
clean tackle:干净的铲球
strong tackle:强力抢断
shoulder tackle:肩部抢断
double tackle:双人抢断
tackle from behind:从后面铲球
shoot:v. 射门
shoot for goal:射门
shoot with power:力量射门
shoot with the weak foot:弱脚射门
shoot from distance:远距离射门
shoot low:低射
shoot into the top corner:射进顶角
shoot with accuracy:准确射门
shoot with the inside of the foot:脚内侧射门
shoot with the outside of the foot:脚外侧射门
shot:n. 射门
chip shot:挑射
curl shot:弧线射门
volley shot:凌空射门
half-volley shot:半凌空射门
overhead kick shot:倒钩射门
power shot:力量射门
one-touch shot:一脚射门
long-range shot:远射
header shot:头球射门
half-turn shot:半转身射门
sliding shot:滑铲射门
snap shot:快速射门
volley:n. 凌空射门 v. 凌空射门
volley shot:凌空射门
volley pass:凌空传球
volley clear:凌空解围
outside volley:足外侧凌空
inside volley:足内侧凌空
save:n. 扑救 v. 扑救
goalkeeper's save:守门员的扑救
diving save:扑救
one-handed save:单手扑救
save from a penalty:点球扑救
save from a free kick:任意球扑救