football field:足球场(美式)
soccer field:足球场(美式)
pitch:n. 场地
football pitch:足球场
soccer pitch:足球场
pitch dimensions:场地尺寸
pitch layout:场地布局
pitch markings:场地标记
pitch grass:场地草坪
pitch lighting:场地照明
midfield:n. 中场
center circle:中圈
spot:n. 点
center spot:球场中心点
penalty spot:点球点
line:n. 线
halfway line:中场线
midfield line:中场线
center line:中轴线
throw-in line:界外球线
penalty area line:禁区线
goal box line:球门区线(小禁区线)
goal line:球门线
end line:底线
corner line:角球线
penalty:n. (对犯规者的)判罚
penalty box:罚球区
penalty area:禁区
penalty arc:禁区弧线
goal:n. 球门
goal line:球门线
goal net:球门网
goal area:球门区域
goal box:球门禁区
corner line:角球线
goalpost:n. 球门柱
goalpost height:球门柱高度
goal net:球门柱高度
goalpost width:球门柱宽度
hit the goalpost:击中球门柱
between the goalposts:在球门柱之间
outside the goalposts:在球门柱外
crossbar:n. 球门横梁
hit the crossbar:击中横梁
over the crossbar:超过横梁
the ball skimmed the crossbar:球擦过横木
the ball rattled off the crossbar:球撞到横木弹出
corner flag:角旗
substitution area:换人区
technical area:技术区
dugout:n. 替补席,球员席
bleachers:n. 看台(指临时的、简单的座位。)
stands:n. 看台(指永久的、更结构化的座位。)