diploma:n. 文凭,毕业证书
high school diploma:高中文凭
college diploma:大学专科文凭
undergraduate diploma:大学本科文凭
graduate diploma:研究生科文凭
diploma in Business Administration:工商管理学文凭
diploma in Engineering:工程学文凭
diploma in Nursing:护理学文凭
diploma in Graphic Design:平面设计文凭
diploma in Early Childhood Education:学前教育文凭
degree:n. 学位
Associate's degree:副学士学位
Bachelor's degree:学士学位
Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree:文学学士学位
Bachelor of Science (BS) degree:理学学士学位
Master's degree:硕士学位
Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree:工商管理硕士学位
Doctorate degree:博士学位
Juris Doctor degree:法学博士学位
Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree:医学博士学位
honours degree:荣誉学位
dual degree:双学位