clauses:n. 从句,分句
noun clauses:名词性从句(用作句子中的主语、宾语、表语或补语。)
☆ 主语从句 subject clauses
• What he said is true. 他说的是真的。
• Whether she will come to the party is still unknown. 她是否会来参加派对还不确定。
• Why she didn't attend the meeting remains a mystery. 她为什么没有参加会议仍然是个谜。
• Why she made that decision is beyond my understanding. 她为什么做出那个决定我无法理解。
☆ 宾语从句 object clauses
• I believe that she will succeed. 我相信她会成功。
• They told us what happened yesterday. 他们告诉我们昨天发生了什么。
• I know that he is coming tomorrow. 我知道他明天要来。
• She asked me where I was going. 她问我去哪里。
☆ 表语从句 predicative clauses
• My hope is that we can all succeed. 我的希望是我们都能成功。
• The fact is that he is a talented musician. 事实是他是一位有才华的音乐家。
• Her dream is to become a successful entrepreneur. 她的梦想是成为一名成功的企业家。
• The important thing is how you handle the situation. 重要的是你如何处理这个情况。
adverbial clauses:状语从句(修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,并提供时间、地点、原因、条件、方式等信息。)
☆ 时间状语从句 time adverbial clauses
• I will call you when I get home. 当我回家时,我会给你打电话。
• I will go to the park when it stops raining. 当雨停了,我会去公园。
• After she finished her homework, she went to bed. 她做完作业后去睡觉了。
☆ 地点状语从句 place adverbial clauses
• We met at the restaurant where we had our first date. 当我回家时,我会给你打电话。
☆ 原因状语从句 cause adverbial clauses
• He was late for work as his car broke down. 他迟到上班是因为他的车抛锚了。
• She didn't come to the party because she was feeling sick. 她没来参加聚会是因为她身体不舒服。
☆ 条件状语从句 condition adverbial clauses
• If it rains, we will stay indoors. 如果下雨,我们会呆在室内。
• Unless you study hard, you won't pass the exam. 除非你努力学习,否则你不会通过考试。
☆ 目的状语从句 purpose adverbial clauses
• She took a vacation in order to relax and recharge. 她度假是为了放松和恢复精力。
• He bought a new laptop so that he could work more efficiently. 他买了一台新笔记本电脑,以便他可以更高效地工作。
☆ 结果状语从句 result adverbial clauses
• The roads were icy, so he drove slowly. 路面结冰,所以他慢慢地开车。
• She studied hard, hence she got good grades. 她学习很努力,因此她取得了好成绩。
☆ 方式状语从句 manner adverbial clauses
• She danced as if nobody was watching. 她跳舞的样子就像没人在看一样。
• She handled the situation as though she had been through it before. 她处理这种情况的方式就像她以前经历过一样。
relative Clauses:定语从句(修饰名词或代词,并用来限定或说明它们的特定内容。)
• The person who called you is my friend. 给你打电话的那个人是我的朋友。
• The car that he bought is red. 他买的那辆车是红色的。
• She is the person who I admire the most. 她是我最敬佩的人。
• This is the place where we met for the first time. 这是我们第一次见面的地方。
• I have a car, which is very old. 我有一辆车,它非常旧。