• Thank you very much. 非常感谢您。
• The weather is fairly warm today. 今天天气相当温暖。
• He speaks English fluently. 他流利地说英语。
• He cooked dinner skillfully. 他熟练地做晚餐。
• He ran quickly to catch the bus. 他快速地跑去赶公交车。
• We ate dinner casually at a local restaurant. 我们随意地在一家当地餐馆吃晚餐。
• I always wake up early in the morning. 我每天早上总是早起。
• She often visits her grandparents on weekends. 她经常在周末去看望她的祖父母。
• She usually takes a walk in the park after work. 她通常下班后在公园里散步。
• We occasionally go out for dinner. 我们偶尔出去吃晚餐。
• We seldom eat fast food. 我们很少吃快餐。
• He never misses a workout at the gym. 他从不错过在健身房的锻炼。
• he got up late. 他起床晚了。
• I will meet her tomorrow. 明天我会见她。
• The concert starts at 7 p.m. 音乐会在晚上7点开始。
• The train departs in five minutes. 火车将在五分钟后出发。
• We always go for a walk in the evening. 我们总是在晚上去散步。
• They have been friends since childhood. 他们从小就是朋友。
• She lives near the beach. 她住在海边附近。
• They met at the park yesterday. 他们昨天在公园见面了。
• We took a walk along the riverbank. 我们沿着河岸散步。
• He left his keys on the table in the living room. 他把钥匙放在客厅的桌子上了。
If it rains, we will stay indoors. 如果下雨,我们会呆在室内。
Provided you finish your homework, you can go to the party. 只要你完成作业,你可以去参加派对。
Assuming she passes the interview, she will start her new job next month. 假设她通过面试,她将在下个月开始新工作。
Unless you study hard, you won't pass the exam. 除非你努力学习,否则你不会通过考试。
• She bought a new car because her old one broke down. 她买了辆新车是因为她的旧车坏了。
• The game was canceled due to bad weather. 比赛由于恶劣的天气被取消了。
• They didn't go on the trip as they didn't have enough money. 他们没去旅行,因为他们没有足够的钱。
• He was late for work since his alarm didn't go off. 他上班迟到了,因为他的闹钟没响。
• He ran so fast that he won the race. 他跑得如此快,以至于赢得了比赛。
• The weather was so hot that we decided to go swimming. 天气太热了,以至于我们决定去游泳。
• He had such a loud voice that he could be heard from across the room. 他有如此响亮的嗓音,能从房间的另一边听到。
• It was such a hot day that we spent the whole afternoon at the beach. 天气如此炎热,以至于我们整个下午都在海滩度过。
• She studied hard in order to pass the exam. 她努力学习,以便通过考试。
• I bought a new laptop so that I can work more efficiently. 我买了一台新笔记本电脑,以便我可以更高效地工作。
• I packed an umbrella in case it rains. 我带了一把伞,以防下雨。